The basic listing is free forever, No credit card needed to sign up for the free listing. You can upgrade to the GOLD or DIAMOND level for a low monthly fee. (Pricing and levels will go up in the future however, your price remains the same.) Be sure to upload photo(s) or logo associated with your business. It helps a lot when users are searching for you.
If you would just like to support this website, feel free to select one of the paid monthly memberships or banner ads and your support is greatly appreciated. For help signing up you can watch the BBM Training Videos.
*New: List your Events for free for a limited time.
List your black owned business for free on Black Business Matters dot NET Business Directory. A search directory and networking service available online to visitors and suppliers. Your membership provides you to access to training, information, networking, education and resources needed for Black Business to thrive. If it matters to Black Business it matters to us. The basic listing is free, however you can upgrade for a more prominent listing with the ability to list additional details. (Businesses will be verified.)
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